What Is Salvation Through Jesus Christ? Discover Your Divine Purpose In Life And Inner Peace
Salvation Through the Lord Jesus Christ — Blessed to Bless
We were created in God’s image and likeness. God gave man the powers to be above all the creatures. Genesis:1.26
Then God said, “Then let us create man in our image, and in our likeness. Then let them rule over the birds of the air and the fish of the sea, over the livestock, over all the earth, as well as overall the creatures that move along the ground (GNV).” So let us move forward in regard to what is salvation through Jesus Christ? Discover Your Divine Purpose In Life And Inner Peace.
Unfortunately, sin separated us from the Love of God. And a man lost the purpose — to worship God. Instead, humankind Suffered, desperation, destruction, hopelessness, vengeance, and many more misfortunes, which befell the world. However, God, through Jesus Christ, brought salvation through tribulations and the death of His only begotten Son.
Discover Your Divine Purpose And Inner Peace through salvation in Jesus Christ
“John 14:6 Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. Indeed, no one comes to the Father except through Me (KJV).”
Suppose you asked people whether or not they will go to heaven. Be sure to get one very common answer — nearly 100% hope that they go to heaven. That is the first and the last desire of everyone. But what does the Lord Jesus say? There is great hope and ultimate assurance.
If it is to go to heaven, then there is an opportunity that requires you to make just a single step—knowing the way — Jesus Christ.
I pray that you don’t live with uncertainty. Because your eternal destiny is far too essential not to know for sure. It’s dangerous to be unsure and unprepared for what we know is inevitable: death. Yes, so far, all the studies have concluded that mortality rates remain 100 percent in the world.
To be honest, not even one person is guaranteed another minute on the earth — or even a second. So, you don’t need to prevent the most crucial choice that you will ever make. And this is what the Bible says,
1John 5:11 And this is the testimony: that God has given us eternal life, this life is in His Son. So, whoever has the Son has life. However, he who does not have the Son of God does not have life (NKJV)
Certainly, that brings us to the point of surety. It’s as straightforward as it is. If you have the Lord Jesus Christ, then you have life. However, if you don’t have the Lord Jesus Christ, then there is definite evidence that you don’t have life. Fortunately, you have a decision to make.
To be honest, you won’t go to hell because of someone’s faith. Similarly, you won’t go to heaven because of someone’s faith. That ultimately depends on your choice! There is where you will spend your eternity.
Ideally, it is the reason why Christmas and Easter are quite essential. Certainly, if Jesus had not come at Christmas, and if he had not died and resurrected to life on Easter, then we will be living in a hopeless situation. Indeed, nothing we do would matter. Because you would not have to enjoy this choice of salvation.
For that reason, the cross is the only solution to our most in-depth problem, which was our separation from God.
The verse to remember!
Colossians 2:13-14 — And you, being dead in your iniquity as well as the uncircumcision of the flesh, He has made alive together with Him, having forgiven you all trespasses, having wiped out
the writing of things that were against us, which was contrary to us. Therefore, He has taken it out of the way, having nailed it to the cross.
None of us is guaranteed another minute on Earth. That should, therefore, be the sole reason to scale your decision to follow the right way, Who is Jesus Christ. And how about your family and friends?
Yes, when you pray for the salvation of any person who isn’t saved, you are indeed pleasing God. Keep on praying, and don’t lose heart. Because your prayers will not go unheard. Honestly, God’s power is limitless. On top of that, His forgiveness is endless.
Receiving Salvation Through Jesus Christ — A Guide Through Prayers
Yes, we live in uncertain times. However, you need to be sure that your going to heaven is guaranteed. Therefore, it doesn’t matter what you have done or where you have been. Indeed, God’s invitation is wide-open.
Are you ready to accept the true way!
Here is a prayer for you:
“Mighty and everlasting God, I know that I am going to give a record for my life to you when I die. Surely, I know I have been ignorant of your word. And I admit that I have sinned against you, living by my plan, and not by your will. Dear God, I want to change, starting now. I truly want to turn away from my sins and serve you. In the Name of the Lord Jesus,”
Thoughts to ponder!
Everyone is naturally a sinner until they know and follow the right way — Jesus Christ.
According to the Bible, Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

God sent the Lord Jesus Christ to bring salvation to humankind. This is the reason why Jesus, who is the Lord, came in in human flesh, died on the cross, resurrected, and ascended to Heaven. This is the most crucial part of salvation. Here is a verse to remember:
John 3:16, “For God love the world so much that He gave His only Son. Therefore, whoever believes in Him won’t perish but will have everlasting life.
“Dear God, thank you so much for sending Jesus to die for all that I’ve done wrong so that I don’t deserve your forgiveness. Dear Lord Jesus Christ, I know that it is only your grace that can save me. I understand that I could never be good enough to be in a perfect place, Lord.
“Thank you so much, Almighty God, for loving me. Dear Lord Jesus Christ, you took away all my guilt on yourself. And made me acceptable for heaven. Thank you for choosing me for eternity. I humbly ask that you save me from the sins and bad habits that can mess up my life. I believe in you, Lord Jesus. Because you will keep your promise in my life. In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.”
Tips to Remember!
We were created in God’s image and likeness.
However, sin separated us from God.
But the good news is that God sent His only son, Jesus Christ, to die painfully so that our sins will be forgiven.
May the Grace of Jesus Christ our savior, and the Love of God the Father and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be with us now and forever, amen!
If you prayed the prayers, kindly, write to me at trinityrenewal@gmail.com

Remember the choice is yours, as God gave us free will. Most of us turn our back on God, and spend our lives running away from Jesus, he is waiting for us, as we are not complete until we ask him into our lives. Ever have that feeling of emptiness? Well, that is because we are missing the Holy Spirit of God, that we receive at salvation when we confess Jesus Christ with our lips, and truly mean it with our heart, it is then that we are eternally saved.
The scripture tells us we are only living in a vapor of time, as our eternity is in our hands, God is seeking a relationship with us, this is difficult to impossible to understand until you receive salvation by Faith. Please complete yourself in Christ, as Christianity is the only religion that offers a Savior, this is because it is not man-made. God be with you.
How Can I Be Saved Through Faith In Jesus Christ Alone, You-Tube Video
Please remember that Jesus Christ is our Savior, and Christianity is the only religion that has a SAVIOR, no other religion can say this. Doing good works is a wonderful thing for mankind, however, you cannot work your way into heaven. It is the forgiven that go to heaven, actually, once we accept Christ into our life, ” Confess him with our lips, and truly mean it with our heart, we receive salvation, then good deeds have a Spiritual meaning.
When Jesus was talking to the Pharisee Nicodemus, he told him in order to be in the kingdom of heaven with my Father you must be born again, Nicodemus then asked if I am already born, how can one be born again, Jesus replied being born again is not of the flesh it is of the Spirit. At this time your spirit becomes one with Christ, you are still you, however, you are complete and your spirit is now 100%, and ready to grow in your Faith.
I accepted Christ into my life ten years ago at fifty years of age, I finally had peace and was delivered from 35 years of alcohol. Jesus Christ is the way the truth and the life. ” Here is the prayer of salvation, remember to open your heart and mean it. ” Heavenly Father forgive me for my sins, as I have trespassed upon you, I believe Jesus Christ is the Son of God and my Savior, I accept you into my life as my personal Savior, I surrender all, prepare me now to do your good works as a born again child of God, and I will serve you for the rest of my days, Amen “.
If you said this prayer and truly meant it, you have received eternal salvation, and your name has been added to the Lambs book of life and the angels of heaven are singing. You will then understand, as it is impossible to understand until this happens. I hope the best and to see you in heaven, sincerely, Jack, and Collins.
Wow, this is just so good, the way you have explained everything we need to know about how to get salvation with Jesus Christ and how we can find our true meaning in this world. I think I have to agree with you because I have found the Lord and I know the bliss I have been enjoying since then. Everyone should understand that God is truly the only way for us and believing him is the only way to go.
Jack Butler
Thank you always, Jay, as your testimony is eternal. Be blessed in our Lord Jesus Christ. I hope to hear from you soon, sincerely, Jack
Hello there! This is an amazing review you have got here. I am sure this information here will be of great help to any one who come across it as it is to me. the most important way to achieve salvation is through doing good works, such as giving to charity. However, other Christians focus on worship and faith. Thanks!
Jack Butler
Hi Joy, I appreciate your interest in this article on salvation. Please remember that Jesus Christ is our Savior, and Christianity is the only religion that has a SAVIOR, no other religion can say this. Doing good works is a wonderful thing for mankind, however, you cannot work your way into heaven. It is the forgiven that go to heaven, actually, once we accept Christ into our life, ” Confess him with our lips, and truly mean it with our heart, we receive salvation, then good deeds have a Spiritual meaning. When Jesus was talking to the Pharisee Nicodemus, he told him in order to be in the kingdom of heaven with my Father you must be born again, Nicodemus then asked if I am already born, how can one be born again, Jesus replied being born again is not of the flesh it is of the Spirit. At this time your spirit becomes one with Christ, you are still you, however, you are complete and your spirit is now 100%, and ready to grow in your Faith. I accepted Christ into my life ten years ago at fifty years of age, I finally had peace and was delivered from 35 years of alcohol. Jesus Christ is the way the truth and the life. ” Here is the prayer of salvation, remember to open your heart and mean it. ” Heavenly Father forgive me for my sins, as I have trespassed upon you, I believe Jesus Christ is the Son of God and my Savior, I accept you into my life as my personal Savior, I surrender all, prepare me now to do your good works as a born again child of God, and I will serve you for the rest of my days, Amen “. If you said this prayer and truly meant it, you have received eternal salvation, and your name has been added to the Lambs book of life and the angels of heaven are singing. You will then understand, as it is impossible to understand until this happens. I hope the best and to see you in heaven, sincerely,Jack