Your Purpose In Christ Revealed Jack Butler  

The Heart Of Worship — Thanking God In a Difficult Time-Jesus The Living God

The Heart of Worship — Thanking God in a Difficult Time.

In every human life, there is a moment of trial. When everything is meaningless and all that remains is darkness and pain that cuts sharply in your chest and stomach. That’s when you need to understand The Heart Of Worship — Thanking God In a Difficult Time.

Normally, trials are a recipe for a life of faith. So, trusting God in a difficult time is an act of faith. God be with you brothers and sisters.

When you are on trial, the only thing you feel that draws your attention are those warm tears running down your cheeks then down. Plus, that discouraging voice speaks loudly in your ears. This is the voice that attracts depression and anxiety. Even worse, it draws you to regrets. “But why?” At this point hope is gone, friends are no more. Instead, you feel like you are all alone.

What Causes All This?

✅ The loss of a loved one(s)
✅ Betrayal
✅ False accusations etc.

These among other reasons pushed our backs to the wall. Friends this is the perfect time to raise our hearts in gratitude to God. You can join Job in trusting and thanking God even more(Job 1:20). After he got the bad news from all the servants, Job did not blame God but fell and worshipped the Almighty God for what he had allowed to happen. He felt terrible pain but chose to give it up to God.

Paul writes to the Thessalonians while in prison, asking them to thank God in everything (1 Thessalonians 5:18). This is shocking because Paul himself was in prison by then. Surprisingly, he was expected to seek help to be away from the prison. But no he encourages believers to be free to thank God.

Why You Need To Be Strong In The Lord

Often, difficult times are horrible and heavy for every human being and we cannot bear it on our own. However, it is the perfect time to stop worrying and begin worshipping God.

Certainly, three men of faith chose tribulations for Christ than pursuing worldly peace. In the book of Daniel 3, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego faced a tough moment in their life. They had to choose between worshipping the idol of King Nebuchadnezzar or be thrown in a fiery furnace.

They chose the painful path. Ideally, this is the way they ended up singing and dancing with the fourth person. That was the Lord Jesus Christ, whom the king himself acknowledged as the son of God (Daniel 3:25).

Difficult times are horrible and heavy for every human being and we cannot bear it on our own. However, it is the perfect time to stop worrying and begin worshipping God.

In most cases complaining in hard times is good, but the truth is thanking God in hard times is very much right.

Also, this allows us to know God better. Often, it is because moves us closer to him daily and we begin realizing how small our troubles are.

An Encouraging Testimony

At some point I was down in my life, I spent three good months on my sofa. I was constantly groaning in pain because I lost my best friend. I thank God for this one old friend who visited me and reminded me of an old business that I had begun but failed. She gave me new ideas about it. This reminded me that I was having an assignment. I was able to stand and serve people. A thankful heart helps us to evaluate and maintain true friends in life.

Also, we need to have a thankful heart. Yes, thanksgiving expels anxiety. Besides, it helps us to trust God even more and daily ( Philippians 4:6-7).

Often, King David chose to thank God in his difficult times. The book of Psalms reveals how David praised and thanked God both in turbulent times and good moments. He prayed with an outpouring heart.

The Power of a praying Christian.

Psalm 100:4-5
Enter God’s gates with Thanksgiving. Certainly, His courts with praise. Also, give thanks to God and praise His name. Indeed, the LORD is good. His love endures forever and His faithfulness continues through all generations.

Certainly, David praised and thanked God both in turbulent times and good moments. Furthermore, he prayed with an outpouring heart.

Here, David acknowledges that we need to enter God’s gates with thanksgiving and his courts praise to his Holy name. Typically, the reason is that God is good and His love endures forever — and in every situation. His faithfulness continues through all generations.

• Psalm 95:1-3

Come, let us sing joyfully to the LORD. Let us shout aloud to God, the Rock of our salvation. Let’s come before Him with thanksgiving. Extol the Lord with music and songs. For the LORD, God is great. He’s the great King above all gods. Amen

Yes, we should sing for joy to God for He is the rock of our salvation. He deserves our sweet warm thanksgiving melodies for He is God and the great King above all the other gods

Friends, going through difficult times and coming out life and live to tell the story in itself is not a walk in the park. You just have to thank God for he carried you even when you didn’t know

Hannah thanked God for the only son and chose to give him to God at a tender age( 1 Samuel1:21-22). This was a hard decision to make, given that she had spent almost all her life childless and facing ridicule daily from Penina.

But at the end of the day, she was grateful to God during that tough time and rejoiced in the Lord almighty (1 Samuel2:2:1). She boasted over her enemy because God had carried her through barrenness and delivered her safely

Acknowledging and loving God on a personal level is the greatest privilege that will lead us to thank Him in our darkest days. This is because He is the only one who sticks by us always. He is the only friend that can share all our life experiences and guide us on the Right path to follow without strings attached( Psalms 119:105).


Honestly, we have all faced difficulties. And this is the moment when people turn to personal or friends’ help. Actually, this is a trying moment. And the only convenient way to go is to stick to God. But how do you develop a Heart of Worship? Thanking God in a Difficult Time.

Often, this is because He is the only one who sticks by us always

Getting saved during this end time!

Congratulations My Brothers And Sisters In Christ

Now is the time to get rooted in a good bible believing church, that is exercising in the Gospel, and does not try to tickle your ear with the ways of the World. Remember when you see a Brother or Sister in Christ fall short, simply pray for them, do not judge them, as we still fall short, however with our newly born again spirit we now have a battle plan against Sin and pain. Please remember God does not look for extravagant great-sounding prayer, he looks for our heartfelt prayer.

One of the problems in our faith is many believe that a Christian should be some sort of perfect person, so when they see us fall short, in their eyes we are hypocrites. This is just another reason we need to be as upright and righteous in the world’s eyes. on the contrary, this does not mean we cannot have fun, as I have more joy now than ever in my life, the true joy that is meant for a believer.

A Prayer Of Devotion To Follow The Lord Jesus Christ,

Dear Father, My Lord, and my Redeemer, you are everlasting. Nothing compares to you Lord my God. As Job admitted that my Redeemer would rise in the resurrection and stand on the earth, I rejoice that even at the center of my darkest hour, that regardless of what happens to me in these earthly circumstances, I will trust your resurrection forever. I know with certainty that Jesus you have already redeemed me. Hallelujah to the Lord Jesus Christ! I am grateful that I will trust my Redeemer with every part of my lives, and that my heart will always yearn within me to know and love Him more.

In Jesus’ Name, I pray and believe. Amen.

God be with you my Brother and Sisters in Christ, Your Brothers in Christ, Jack, and Collins


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