The Teaching of Jesus Christ: Know The Lord Today
The Teaching Of Jesus: Know The Way To The Father Today
Matthew 7:21-23; 21 “Not every one that says, ‘Lord, Lord,’ is guaranteed to enter the kingdom of God. However, those who do the will of the Father in heaven. On the day of judgment, many people will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, we did prophesy, or cast out evil spirits, and did many miracles in your name. But I’ll tell them, ‘I never knew you; get away from me, you evil people.’
Jesus Christ is the Son Of God. He was sent by the Creator to come in human flesh to take a painful and cruel death so that our sins are forgiven.
Throughout His life on earth, Jesus Christ taught His disciples so many things. According to the witnesses, it is clear that the work and life of Jesus were much more than what is written in the Bible. To be honest, it is hinted that no book is enough to accommodate the life and works of Jesus in writing.
That is why Jesus Christ used parables — short stories with hidden meaning and messages to express His teachings. What are some of the main themes that Jesus taught and Christians have embraced up to this day?
A Summary Of The Teachings of Jesus Christ
- Love God.
- Forgive others who have wronged you.
- Love your neighbor as yourself.
- Love your enemies.
- Don’t be hypocritical.
- Ask God for the forgiveness of your sins.
- Don’t judge others.
- Repentance of sins is essential.
- Jesus is the Messiah and with the authority to forgive others.
The Kingdom of God is near. It is not only for the rich and the most powerful. However, the weak and poor are destined to inherit this kingdom.
In one of the most preached teachings of Jesus Christ, known as the Sermon on the Mount, the Lord summarized most of the moral instructions for His followers.
The Gospel of Matthew, which is significantly leaned to the teaching statements by Jesus, gives insights on how he would like the believers to live.
Jesus didn’t lean towards teaching doctrines or “theology.” However, He demonstrated most of His teachings practically. Also, He made a lot of commandments throughout the ministry (Matt. 28:20).
Here are The Teachings of Jesus According to The Gospel of Matthew!
Below are the central teachings of Jesus that can be found in the Gospel of Matthew. Noteworthy, this is not a complete list. Because there are many more teachings of the Christian church. However, these are some of the lessons that we can get from looking at just the life and ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ. Most of them have direct parallels to significant events in His life.
✅ The teachings about Baptism
The Christian life is marked by baptism (Matt. 3:13-17). This is also referred to as baptismal Life. Therefore, every Christian needs to be baptized, just like Jesus Christ was baptized.
Salvation Through Christ Alone, You-Tube Video✅ Temptations
Jesus faced a tempting moment by the devil. This is the time when He had been in the wilderness for forty days. He had not eaten any food but was on prayers and fasting for that period. Then Satan appeared to Him while in the process. The devil tried to tempt Him, but Jesus conquered all the temptations. He quoted the word of God to beat all the temptations by satan. So, during tricks, God is available to help us, not give in (Matt. 4:1-11).
✅ Repentance
In the beginning, Adam & Eve fell into temptations and lost. This brought severe consciousness, which even included death. So, death is the price of sin. Rom 6:23 — For the outcome of sin is death. However, Jesus Christ came to restore the broken relationship between humans and creation. Rom 6:23b…the gift of God is eternal life in the Lord Jesus Christ. All Jesus asks us to do is simple — To repent. That is to turn away from the wrong-doing by confessing our sins (Matt. 4:17).
✅ Following Jesus Christ
Jesus said, “Follow me” (Matt. 4:18-22).
The kingdom of God is open to everyone. The call of Jesus is unlimited. He called the fishermen — As He was beside the Sea of Galilee, Jesus saw two brothers, Simon Peter and Andrew. They were fishermen castings nets to catch fish. He said, “Come, follow me, ” ” and you’ll be fishers of men.” And they left their boats and followed him immediately. Also, Jesus called Matthew, the tax collector. That’s is why He has no limit. He is interested in your trust in Him.
✅ Carrying the cross
Jesus said, “Take up the cross and follow Me”(Matt. 16:24-27). Everyone feels burdened without Jesus. So, the Lord says, take the yoke and follow Him.
✅ The Kingdom Of God
In a series of His teachings, Jesus said, “The kingdom of heaven is at hand.” Therefore, Jesus is telling us that we can experience Heaven while we are on earth now. Aside from that, He referred to the future realm where we’ll be with God and Jesus (Mathew 4:23; 13:18-52; 18:1-5).
✅ Compassion
Jesus expressed compassion for everyone and helped them. He did not have discrimination in regards to the background or destiny. He knew that Peter would deny Him. Also, He understood that Judas Iscariot would betray Him. On top of that, Jesus helped the poor, the outcasts, the despised, and expects us to do the same (Mathew 4:24-25;9:9-13).
✅ Fasting
The disciples of John the Baptist were a bit uncomfortable about how they were fasting along with the Pharisees, yet the disciples of Jesus weren’t. Then, Jesus compared Himself to the bridegroom. He said that the guests to the bridegroom don’t mourn when he’s still there with them. Also, Jesus said that He is like “new wineskins.” Literally, He is an entirely new thing (Matt. 9:14-17).
✅ Faith
Jesus did many miracles and told many stories to demonstrate the act of faith. So, he expects us to be faithful to Him. “Have faith; it is enough” (Matt. 9:18-31).
✅ Sincerity
Jesus emphasized sincerity, “Be sincere, not a hypocrite” (Matt. 6:1-6).
Jesus and God are one (Matt. 10:40; 16:13-20).
✅ Family and Discipleship
Jesus warns, “Do not allow the family to stop you from following Me” (Matt. 10:35-38; 12:46-50).
✅ Power Over The Laws
Jesus has authority over all the laws and traditions. He’s the Lord of the Sabbath, forgiveness, healing…, so, Jesus has power over the law and custom (Matt. 12: 1-8; 15:1-9).
✅ The Messianic Prophecy
Jesus is the sent Messiah. He came to fulfill the Old Testament scriptures (Matt. 1:22-23; 17:9-13).
✅ Love for the enemy
Jesus teaches, “Love your enemies; pray for those who persecute you, be reconciled” (Matt. 5:38-48; 5:21-24).
✅ Meekness
Jesus preaches, “You need to become like a child for you to enter the kingdom” (Matt. 19:13-15).
✅ Jesus is Alive
When He came back to His disciples, Jesus said, “I am alive! Therefore, go and tell everyone else” (Matt. 28:7-10). And He promised to be with us forever. “I will be with you forever” (Mathew 28:20b).
In summary, The Sermon On The Mount
Here’s Another Summary Of Jesus’ Teachings In His Own Words.
- Blessed are the poor in spirit — for the kingdom of heaven is theirs.
- Blessed are those who mourn — for they’ll be comforted.
- Blessed are the meek — for they’ll inherit the earth.
- Blessed are those who hunger & thirst for righteousness — for they’ll be filled.
- Blessed are the merciful — for they’ll be shown mercy.
- Blessed are the pure in heart — for they’ll see God.
- Blessed are the peacemakers — for they’ll be called children of God.
- Blessed are the persecuted because of righteousness — the kingdom of heaven belongs to them.
- Blessed are you when you’re persecuted, insulted, or falsely accused because of Me (Matt. 5:1-12).
Acknowledge Jesus Into Your Life
Prayer Of Salvation
Dear God, I know and believe that You sent Your only beloved Son, Jesus Christ, to take an excruciating death on the cross. I believe in You that I can be forgiven of my sins and be redeemed because His innocent blood was shed for me.
I believe that it is only through His death on the cross and resurrection that I can be made right with You.
Lord Jesus, I confess that I am a sinner and deeply in need of a Saviour. I know that Jesus Christ was the sinless sacrifice who laid His life on the cross for my sins. I believe that He is the only one who died for me.
Dear God, thank You for loving me so much that You sent Your only, sinless Son to become a Man and offered Him as the perfect sacrifice for my sins and that of the world. Thank You for loving and for dying for me, Lord Jesus Christ. Help me to live a life that will honor You in thought, word, and deed.
Almighty God, I repent of all my sin, and I turn to Christ. I pray that You keep me holy and ready for You as I live to serve You. I pray this in Jesus Christ, my Saviour,
That is a prayer to take you to God through the Lord Jesus Christ. You are saved. All you need is living a life that pleases God—doing the will of God.
Hello there!, what a wonderful review you have here about the things of God. I am always happy anytime the words of God are being discussed because we get to learn wonderful things of God and learn about the faith, the grace, and the Mercy of God. The belief in God is really very necessary because God Almighty is a living God and His words are sure, thanks for this article.
Jack Butler
Thank you always, David, for your amazing comments on our by Faith comes Grace post, as they are always a true blessing, God be with you, Sincerely, Jack
Hello, this is a very awesome piece and a very detailed one. I’m really happy I came across this as the information I’m getting from here is standard. Discussing about God is something that gives me the utmost joy, it makes me really happy because I know that he exists. If we follow the steps of Jesus Christ then we have absolutely nothing to worry about. After going through the salvation through Christ alone video, I’m really touched and happy I came across this. Thanks a lot
Jack Butler
Thank you, Lizzyben for your heartfelt thoughts and comments within our by faith comes grace blog, as it is always a real blessing to hear how gratifying these posts are for everyone. I hope to hear from you soon, and be blessed in our Lord Jesus Christ, Jack
Misael H
I’m glad that there is a website like yours out on the internet that actually goes into depth about the great, wise teachings of Jesus Christ. I can certainly see that there is a lot to know about the Lord and there is certainly a lot that more of us should do to get closer to the lord, I think that your articles are a start for anyone with that objective, thank you for that
Jack Butler
Thank you always, Misael, for your very engaging comments within our by faith comes grace blog, as it is a true blessing to hear fellow believer’s views and agreements on our posts and anyone for that matter. Be blessed and I will see you soon, sincerely, Jack
As a Christian and a lover of the Bible, articles like these always get the better of me and I love them so much, I showed this to my family and they also loved it as well and I am sure that any Christian who loves the Bible and goes through this would love it very much as well. Thanks for sharing this
Jack Butler
Thank you always, Collinsss, for your very engaging comments within our by faith comes grace blog, as it is a true blessing to hear fellow believer’s views and agreements on our posts and anyone for that matter. Be blessed and I will see you soon, sincerely, Jack
There are so many people who are not aware of the teachings of the lord and so many who have misinterpreted in and there are also those who have adjusted it to suit their lifestyle and that is very bad. What I have seen here is very important and trust me I have a lot of people who I will be willing to show this to so they can learn from it and see the truth undiluted
Jack Butler
Thank you always, JMason, for your very engaging comments within our by faith comes grace blog, as it is a true blessing to hear fellow believer’s views and agreements on our posts and anyone for that matter. Be blessed and I will see you soon, sincerely, Jack
Hello Jack, it’s so good that you are able to come up with a website that preaches the word. I guess it is also now part of your mantle to try to bring people closer to God and honestly this was a read that I really enjoyed. I was able to learn more about the teachings of Jesus Christ. I will help you in this task of getting people to know God more by sharing this information.
Jack Butler
Thank you always, Jamie, for your very engaging comments within our by faith comes grace blog, as it is a true blessing to hear fellow believer’s views and agreements on our posts and anyone for that matter. Be blessed and I will see you soon, sincerely, Jack
The ministry of Jesus is all for the benefit of mankind. From the teaching of repentance, carrying your cross, sincerity, to meekness. All points to help man live a better life here on the heart and gain eternity. The message of repentance is to help us live and forsake our wicked ways, sincerity and meekness is all about being open and useful to ourselves and also gain eternity. And all this too is summarised in the sermon on the mount like you pointed out. I wish we all we turn to Jesus and enjoy life is full.I took this decision 27 years ago and I am thanking God I did
Jack Butler
Thank you always, Parameter, for your very engaging comments within our by faith comes grace blog, as it is a true blessing to hear fellow believer’s views and agreements on our posts and anyone for that matter. Be blessed and I will see you soon, sincerely, Jack