Jesus Christ Is God — Praise Be To The Lord
Trusting God With All Your Heart — Praise Be To The Lord.
However, if you seek the LORD your God, you’ll find Him. And if you look for the Lord with all your heart and soul.
Nothing is more satisfying than finding favor in God. It all begins with having a good relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. David won all the battles from a tender age. He trusted God for all his life and leadership skills. How then can we beat all the challenges in our way? First of all, we need to accept that Jesus Christ Is God and Praise The Lord.
Living right with Christ is the solution to all your difficulties. Yes, Jesus said that there are many troubles and tribulations in the world. However, He emphasized that we should not be worried as He will be with us. In the book of John:16.33, Jesus revealed that He shared the truth so that we find peace. Because in the world, there are many troubles. That is why He encouraged us to take heart because He overcame the world.
5 Daily Steps to Trust in the Lord with All Your Heart.
As a Christian, you have been told to put your trust in the Lord. For instance, the book of Proverbs 3 bears more than just a statement. Indeed, you need to walk with the Lord. Here is all you need to do!
1. Don’t Depend on Your Understanding.
Solomon, the king who wrote Proverbs, understood that trust is where we must begin:
Proverbs 3:5
“Put all your trust in the Lord. Do not look at your reason for support.
We have all faced disappointments. These have taught us to depend on ourselves. However, we have ended up more hurt, more bitter, and more heartbroken. That is why God teaches us something different. Living the life God has given us means unlearning to depend on our understanding. Typically, we need to rest in God’s wisdom. We know that God possesses all the wisdom. Romans 11:33.
So, we must consciously lay aside good plans and expectations each day and surrender to His plans.
2. Surrender to God Worshiping God begins with our thoughts, our confession, and our lifestyle. We need an unwavering commitment to depend on Him.
“acknowledge Him in all your ways, and He’ll straighten your paths” (Proverbs 3:6)
Prayer is a sign that God’s ways are greater than ours. We surrender our troubles, burdens, and dreams in His great hands. So, when we reach out to the Lord Jesus Christ in prayer, He hears us. Psalm 55:17.
3. Shun Evil
Don’t be wise in your own eyes. Instead, fear the LORD and shun evil. Proverbs 3:7.
John in the fourth gospel describes evil as the lusts of the eyes, the desires of the flesh, and the pride in our lives. That implies that our blessings can turn into our stumbling blocks if we assume that we deserve them or take them as what we need to be happy.
On the contrary, life becomes excellent when we remember the trustworthy source of our blessings. He is God. That is why we need to keep our focus on the things that please Him.
4. Put God First in Your Life.
Putting ourselves first is easy. That’s why we have lost very many battles. However, the renowned men that have served God diligently had everything to smile about. So, when something good happens, we need to thank God. Moreover, when something bad happens, it is essential to thank the Lord Jesus Christ.
In other words, we need to avoid a “me-centric” starting place.
How Can I Be Saved By Faith In Christ, You-Tube Video
Honestly, then the struggle is harder when it comes to money. However, Solomon, who had quite a lot of wealth, knew that the money didn’t belong to him:
And in the book of Proverbs 3:9–10, Solomon says, Honor the LORD with your wealth. Honor him with the first fruits of all your crops. Then, your barns will be filled to overflow. Besides, your vats will brim over with new wine.
5. Listen to the Holy Spirit
Jesus promised to send the helper, who is the Holy Spirit. Before His death, resurrection, and ascension to Heaven, Jesus Christ told His disciples that the Counselor would be their spiritual compass.
Certainly, the Counselor, whom my Father will send in my name, will teach you everything and remind you of all the things that I have said to you, John 14:26.
Aside from that, the Holy Spirit guides us. That means the Holy Spirit leads us with truth and protects us.
2 Timothy 1:14, keep safe the good things given to you, through the Holy Spirit who lives in us.
5 Benefits of Praising God in Hard Times.
You’ve heard that you should praise God in your happiness and through the storm, but why? Surely, are there any benefits of praising God when faced with a challenge? There are 5 reasons to praise God during difficulty. No, there are millions of reasons to do that. But we shall take a walk through the first five. Here is all you need to know!
Five Benefits of Praising God in Hard Times.
1. God Will Fight For You
When you place your full trust in the Lord Jesus Christ, He will fight for you. When you stop worrying or trying your ways, you allow God to step in. Give the glory to the Lord and praise His power and faithfulness. 2 Chronicles 20:22.
2. God Will Protect You
God shelters you from the storm, He is your Refuge in the time of trouble. The Lord will protect you from difficult battles in life. Therefore, rejoice in Him who loves you so much. Give praise to Him. Psalm 5:11
3. God Will Refresh and Renew Your Spirit.
When you’re worn out and weary, praising the Lord will fill your heart with joy. Lift your heart to God and let Him refresh and renew your spirit. Praise the Lord Jesus Christ to turn around even the worst experience and make your heart light. It boosts your spirits and puts a smile on your face. Psalm 28:7
4. Praising Gives God a Gift and an Offering
Praise isn’t just a command, it is a gift to God. It is a sacrifice of our heart. A way to give Him your best. The more we praise the Lord and acknowledge Him, the more we are filled with His love. Praising God through the storms does not only bless God, but it also blesses the people around you who witness this faithfulness. Hebrews 13:15-16.
5. Praising God Opens Your Eyes to Blessings
When you are embattled and under fire, it is difficult to notice the blessings of God. Usually, your focus is disturbed, and not on the blessings.
However, praising God opens your eyes to see God’s work in your life. Also, you’ll see the blessings He has given you outside of the trials. Most importantly, you’ll see His work in your battles. So, set your eyes upon Him, and you will see God more clearly.
The fear of God marks the beginning of wisdom. And only those who wait on the Lord shall see His goodness in the land of the living. It doesn’t matter what you’re going through. Fear the Lord and He will be with you to the end of the ages.
Congratulations My Brothers And Sisters In Christ
Now is the time to get rooted in a good bible believing church, that is exercising in the Gospel, and does not try to tickle your ear with the ways of the World. Remember when you see a Brother or Sister in Christ fall short, simply pray for them, and do not judge them, as we still fall short, however with our newly born-again spirit we now have a battle plan against Sin and pain. Please remember God does not look for extravagant great-sounding prayer, he looks for our heartfelt prayer.
One of the problems in our faith is many believe that a Christian should be some sort of perfect person, so when they see us fall short, in their eyes we are hypocrites. This is just another reason we need to be as upright and righteous in the world’s eyes. on the contrary, this does not mean we cannot have fun, as I have more joy now than ever in my life, the true joy that is meant for a believer.
A Prayer Of Devotion To Follow The Lord Jesus Christ,
Dear Father, My Lord, and my Redeemer, you are everlasting. Nothing compares to you Lord my God. As Job admitted that my Redeemer would rise in the resurrection and stand on the earth, I rejoice that even at the center of my darkest hour, regardless of what happens to me in these earthly circumstances, I will trust your resurrection forever. I know with certainty that Jesus you have already redeemed me. Hallelujah to the Lord Jesus Christ! I am grateful that I will trust my Redeemer with every part of my lives, and that my heart will always yearn within me to know and love Him more.
In Jesus’ Name, I pray and believe. Amen.
God be with you my Brother and Sisters in Christ, Your Brothers in Christ, Jack, and Collins